SAB Peat Moss
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SAB Substrate 0
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SAB Substrate 2
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  SAB Substrate 2 - Made in E.U.  

Professional mix for greenhouses and landscaping. SAB Substrate 2 / Gartengold Substrate 2 is a fertilized peat with adjusted pH-value. For the re-potting of plants, as well as for the cultivation of plants which require rich growth mediums.

This peat substrate comprises a balanced combination of nitrogen, lime, potash and trace elements, which encourages fast germination and rapid growth. Virtually free of all pests, wood and seeds.

By means of an ecologically compatible re-moistening device, the capacity to store water will be enabled even after desiccation of the substrate.



Composition And Structure
Slightly to moderately decomposed Latvian high bog peat in structure 7 - 20 mm for pots 9-13 cm and 20-40 mm for pots bigger than 13 cm.

Chemical And Physical Properties
Degree of decomposition:
pH value (CaCl2):
approx. 5,2 - 6,0
pH value (H20):
approx. 5,7 - 6,5
Organic matter:
85 - 95 weight % (dry)
Water holding capacity:
45-55 vol. %
Salt level (KCI):
approx. 1,6 g/l
approx. 1,6 g/l
Electrical conductivity:
approx. 420-620 µS/cm (lab values)

Soluble Nutrients Available To The Plants (as per VDLUFA Germany):
Nitrogen (N):
approx. 220 - 360 mg/l
Phosphate (P2O5):
approx. 120 - 200 mg/l
Potassium Oxide (K2O):
approx. 240 - 400 mg/l

With all necessary trace elements, as are boron, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum and zinc.

Advantages Of The Peat-based SAB Substrate 2

The SAB Substrate 2 is a product that is especially suitable for pot plants, bedding plants, the re-potting of plants, as well as for the cultivation of plants which require highly enriched growing media.

Due to its fertilization of approx. 1,6 g/l, means 1,6 kg of fertilizer in 1 m³ of substrate, a good supply with all necessary elements is ensured. The used fertilizer has the formula 14-16-18 in the NPK-ratio, all necessary micro-nutrients are included.

Additionally, a micro-nutrient fertilizer is added, as well as a re-moistening device which enables the product to be wettened easier during the cultivation.

Characteristics of the SAB Substrate 2

  • High water capacity
  • High air capacity
  • Good structure stability
  • Freedom of harmful substances
  • Optimum pH-value
  • Optimum nutrient level
  • Uniform quality

The SAB Substrate 2 can be used for (examples):

  • The cultivation of flowers and green plants in pots over 9 cm diameter
  • Growing-on of vigorous, salt tolerant crops
  • Potting of plants which require high level of nutrition.
  • Examples:
    Abutilon, Alstromeria, Aphelandra, Aster novi-belgii, Argyranthemum, Begonia, Bougainvillea, Caladium, Calathea, Campanula, Chrysanthemum, Cyclamen, Dendranthema, Dianthus, Euphorbia, Exacum, Geranium, Hibiscus, Impatiens, Kalanchoe, Margerite, Poinsettia, Primula, Ranunculus, Viola, Yucca

Special mixtures on request.

Available Packaging:
from 10-6000 L


SAB Syker Agrarberatungs- und Handels GmbH - Hauptstr. 61 - D-28857 Syke/Germany
Webdesign by Visuelle Welten